Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday defended the central government’s currency reform move while addressing parliamentarians hailing from the Bharatiya Janata Party in New Delhi. Defending the move, Jaitley said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision will create history by making white transactions the new norm for the Indian economy........
See full articleFor any city dwellers, owning a home is always a distant dream. Unaffordable real estate prices compel them to stay in rented properties instead. However, several events and trends taking shape now could soon turn that dream into a reality.....
See full articleAway from the winding queues and social media chatter, there is a debate brewing among policy makers, RBI eggheads and economists on whether the government stands to gain monetarily from currency notes which do not flow back into the white economy......
See full articleJust 10 days after PM Narendra Modi’s announcement of removing old Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 currency denominations from legal tender, the income tax (I-T) department has started cracking the whip on people depositing large amount of cash.......
See full articleBangalore-based Infosys on Friday announced that it has invested Rs 14.5 crore (DKK 14,920,000) in a Danish-based artificial intelligence start-up UNSILO. The investment is done through Infosys innovation fund.........
See full articleFrustrated by long queues outside banks and ATMs? You can now drive into a petrol pump to draw cash. Swipe your debit card at petrol stations run by state-run oil companies and you will get Rs 2,000......
See full articleEven if you are not feeling particularly well disposed towards your bank at present, don't let that affect your investment decisions. Banking sector funds have clocked an average return of 15.42 per cent over the past one year........
See full articleThird party logistics companies delivering ecommerce purchases to consumers are looking at accepting payment on delivery through cards, netbanking and wallets as several ‘cash on delivery’ (CoD) orders are being cancelled due to demonetisation of the Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes..........
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