At Investak, we do not recommend when to buy or sell a particular Stak. It's the user who decides which theme will work and when to buy or sell. At Investak, stock selection for a theme is a result of well documented research process and we ensure that the selected stocks aptly represent the particular theme. Sometimes the market over/under reacts to events in short term which should auto correct with time. You might make more profit by selling before an event or after. We do send a notification when we think the theme has completely played out or factors driving a particular idea have changed.
Based on the stock price of each stock in a Stak, and their prescribed weights, we calculate a minimum amount that allows you to buy all stocks at the closest weights. You can also increase the amount you want to invest in that Stak by entering a multiple of the minimum investment value. It will essentially act like investment in lots.
Once you have chosen a Stak you like, you can buy in lots wherein the lot size is dependent on the the number of stocks, stock price and weights assigned to each stock.
Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. The investments discussed or recommended in this platform may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should use this advisory service as just one additional input when formulating their investment opinions.
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