When you buy or re-balance a Stak, the stocks & the weights you hold it in need not match those of the original Stak accurately. Since buying fractions of a share isn’t allowed, the weights might be approximated to the closest possible weights based on the investment amount.
Due to differences in weights between your Cluster and the original, the returns will not exactly match that of the original.
All Staks are created by our research team are reviewed and re-balanced regularly. This ensures that stocks & weights in the Stak continue to reflect the underlying theme. If you hold a Stak that has been re-balanced, we send out a notification that you can apply instantly in 2 clicks.
We currently do not allow to invest more in the same Stak. If you want to buy more of the same Stak, you will have to buy the same again. There is no limit on how many lots can be purchased for the same Stak.
Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of similar future returns. The investments discussed or recommended in this platform may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should use this advisory service as just one additional input when formulating their investment opinions.
Version 1.0.0